Wednesday, December 11, 2013

He Heals the Brokenhearted

Outside of family and some friends not many know that Robby and I were pregnant with our fifth child.  I say were because on Monday, at my 12 week OB appointment, we received the devastating news that our baby's heart had stopped beating just days before.  It's amazing how one moment can make your life so different.  In that one space of time - something changes dramatically.  It happens in high and low moments - but just moments nonetheless. 

While we have had one other miscarriage in the past - one that was very early on - I have never know a grief like this.  Yesterday was a dark day for me.  I was almost consumed in my despair.  All I knew to do was pray for the Lord to heal my broken heart, to show me the way to the other side; knowing I wouldn't get there with much speed.  Yet as I rocked Joshua to sleep tonight - somehow I began to see the ways the Lord gives me his love and strength.

It's in the solid wall of my husband's chest as he holds me when I'm sobbing so hard I can barely breath.  He is unfailing.  If I need -  he provides for me - above all emotionally with love and support and prayer. He guides me to seek comfort through my faith - knowing it's what's needed.

It's in the snuggles from my children, knowing only that their mommy hurts, they sit with me and tell me in their sweet voices that it will be okay.

It's in the immediate response from my mom to come and hold me and just sit and share my sorrow.

It's in the surprise roses from my sister and her words of encouragement and empathy.

It's in the visit from my dad, step mom and youngest sister.  Just to sit and talk with me, bring dinner and help lighten my heart with laughter.

It's in the soothing voice of my mother in law as she calls and offers her sympathy and love.

It's in the voice of my best friend who shares my grief and guides me through with knowledge of what to expect.

It's in the friend from church - who I've just begun to know.  She offers to come sit with me, to care for my children so that Robby and I can weather this storm together.  She seeks out the information and resources I need to understand what will come in the weeks ahead and offers kindness and wisdom that help light the way.

It's in my friend that lovingly offers to be a part of my mourning or any celebration of life we choose to have.  To fill my marble jar.

It's in the gift sent from my work family with thoughts to brighten my spirits along with a simple note that says: "We love you"

There is a hole in my heart right now.  I cannot begin to understand why this was a part of God's plan for us or for this baby.  There are hard days ahead as this pregnancy resolves itself.  But I see that he does not leave me lacking in what I need.  Through all of these simple things, the Lord provides the balm to my wound.  The loving arms and words of those around me act as bandage to my heart - they will help hold it together until it is whole on its own. I am rich beyond measure in my blessings - and grateful beyond words.

With moments in your life like this - at least for me - there always seem to be blessings on the other side.  The Lord finds ways to remind me that he knows the plan for my life - that I just have to trust him enough to get to those blessings and graces he has for me. 

Another dear friend sent me these words today, and how appropriate they are: "In knowing I am loved by You, almighty God, my heart trusts You to guide me."

Friday, September 27, 2013

She's Gone Crunchy

I'm skipping over the "I haven't posted in so long" stuff - life happens.  I'm just jumping in to whatever is striking my fancy.  This post has been on my mind for a while now......musings about how I've changed as a mom between Emma (almost 8) and Josh (just turned 1). We have recently made the switch to cloth diapers, Josh and I are practicing extended nursing (something I haven't done with my other kids), we're venturing into the world of more natural and holistic medicine.   I made a comment to Robby the other day - that I've gotten "crunchier" with each kid we have.  That in turn got me thinking about what "crunchy" really means. And what that transition means......

For me, being a wife and a mom is not my job; it's my vocation.  The life to which the Lord calls me and gives me purpose and direction to live as He wills. I have a job - I'm a banker currently.  A vocation is vastly different to my mind.  It's what matters.  There are others that have different or additional vocations.  I have a new friend that is called to be a healer.  She's a wonderful mother and I believe this is a vocation for her as well, but she also is called to guide others towards improving their overall well being.  I know without a doubt that the Lord has called her to that vocation.  She is part of the reason for this post.  I have begun to look at mothering in a new way - being a mom of 4 kids you're bound to pick up a few tips and tricks along the way - but this is more.  For me this is a return to the art of mothering.  This is a new-found trust in the instinctual and elemental.  God intended for Eve to be a mother - he gave her what she needed to succeed in this role.  There were no books, no websites, no gadgets, no conveniences.  There was only a woman and her children and the need to raise strong, whole, Godly people.  (We'll leave Cain out of this - I guess the best laid plans go awry even for the first mom of humanity)

Which for me leads to the question: why do we allow this modern, commercial world to convince us that we cannot mother as we are instinctually led to?  Why is the switch to a more natural way now called "crunchy"?  I'm not really talking about cloth diapers or formula or what have you.  How you contain your child's bum has no actual bearing on your mothering skills and I know there to be a very real need for formula.  I'm speaking of the trust in ourselves to raise strong, whole, Godly children with the full support of the "village" around us.  Instead of encouragement of our natural gifts and abilities we tell other moms "Oh you'll give that up" "Oh you won't do that for long." "Oh, that's not convenient - you'll do whatever is easiest."  We're told we don't know how to birth our children, that we don't make enough milk, that our babies need to read at 1, that we need to take our kids on some expensive vacation for them to give us the time of day and drop their cell phones for an instant.  You can't even have more than 2 kids these days because any more than that is inconvenient.  3 kids is considered a large family.  Most people think Robby and I are psychotic for having 4.  I've heard everything from "Don't you know what causes that!" (as though it's a preventable disease or I'm a complete imbecile) to "Don't you want to do anything else with your time?"  Never mind that having children brings me tremendous joy, that I want the number of children I have (and more!). No no, there must be something wrong with me.  I can't tell you the number of people that have told me I'm crazy to my face.  It used to be considered inappropriate to call people names.

I have fallen into this trust of the status quo myself.  Most most recently I have begun to take a hard look at the choices I make in the healthcare of my kids.  I love our pediatrician.  I choose to vaccinate our kids.  I am by no means saying that modern medicine has no place.  But I have begun to realize that I am just as important medically to my kids as any doctor.  I must question, I must become an active participant, I must be willing to trust my instincts and give the natural a chance.  I have done so in the last 6 months and been amazed at the results.

 It as led me to the question of what else needs further inspection. The answer will be for another post I suppose..... Hopefully It's not a year from now. Oh well, life happens.

Friday, August 24, 2012

How Time Flies

My husband is much better about keeping up with the blogs of our friends than I am - we'll just put that out there right away.  In reading the blogs of friends - he decided to hop over and look at mine - or lack thereof.  It's still out there mind you.  But I haven't posted an entry in over 2 years - YIKES!

His mention of my blog - and my current boredom at work - lead me to take a peak at it myself.  I have to say - I really enjoyed reading past entries.  Blogging really is a great way to journal your life and memories.  So I am going to rededicate myself to the cause.  I suppose the best way to start is to fill in the gaps.

1) Since I don't see a post regarding Addison I can only assume that I stopped blogging before she was conceived.  Robby and I are so blessed to have added this amazing little girl to our lives.  She is such a fun, loving and spirited child.  Just over 2 years old our red-headed daughter came into our world in June of 2010. 

2) We still LOVE living in Texas!  It's greatness to be so close to family. The Lord has blessed us in so many ways with this move.  In reading past entries I can see now that what might have looked like pure craziness to pick our family up and transplant them half way across the country was a very successful exercise in having faith on where the Lord is leading you.  Robby and I both love our jobs and have been so fortunate to develop a good network of friends. 

3) Emma will start the 1st grade on Monday.  We went to Meet The Teacher last night and it looks like we've got another winner!  We have had an amazing experience at Mt Peak Elementary thus far and it looks very probable that this will continue.  It was such fun to see Emma get all excited to see her friends and teachers from last year.

4) OK biggest news of all - In 5 days or less Joshua Robert William will join our family.  Robby and I are thrilled to welcome a little boy into our family!!!  I'm due to "pop" (as anyone will tell me) any day and he has until the 29th to come on his own or we're posting the eviction notice.  Updates and pictures to follow soon!!

It's amazing how fast time flies - 2 years has passed so quickly and so much has changed.  Then again - so much hasn't: I'm still deeply in love with my husband, my children are the bright lights of my life and God continues to bless me everyday!  I'll be adding new pictures soon - and I promise to post more often.  With a life so rich and full - it seems a shame not to share it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Pupa - Supa Dupa!!!

You'll really only get the title of this post if you have small children that habitually watch the "Wonder Pets". There's one episode where "The Wonder Pets Save the Caterpillar"...and they sing a little ditty about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly..... and for reasons that escape me I've decided that I should post the lyrics here:

They start as a caterpillar...A caterpillar?!....A caterpillar!
They start as a caterpillar...Fa la la, hey!
They grow a real snug pupa...A pupa? Supa-dupa!
They grow a real snug pupa...Fa la la, hey!
They come out as a butterfly...A butterfly? Oh me, oh my!
They come out as a butterfly...Fa la la hey!

So - now that this is all cleared up I'll move on with my regular post. I am in the process of becoming a social butterfly. I was in the caterpilar stage and am now in my snug little pupa! In my previous post I talked about needing to make some friends here in Texas. I was talking to my best friend Kate about this last week....she recently moved to Oregon and is in the same predicament.

It's amazing how easily you lose your friend-making skills as you get older. In high school and college it's almost too easy to meet people. You're young and thrown into a similar life situation with other people that are looking to make friends and you just seem to bond with people so much more easily. Then as you get older and have long time friends you just get used to having those people in your life and the need for new friends is gone. We are now both in the situation of needing to make new friends. At this point we recognize that we're just going to have to get out there and introduce ourselves. I feel like a nerd..."Will you please be my friend???" but that's really what it comes down to.

Over the past few days we have tenatively gotten to know the neighbors that live caddy corner from us. They are our age and have a little girl who will turn 3 in November really close to Emma and Katy's birthdays. This past weekend I put myself out there and invited them over for dinner Saturday night. Well, it's not a huge shocker that we had a great time. The girls loved playing together and it was really nice to have a pleasant evening with another family who seems to share many of the same ideals and values that we do. They've been married about as long as Robby and I have. Their little girl was an absolute doll. They are somewhat new to the area as well and don't know many people here. So, hopefully this is a first step towards having some great friends here in our new home.

With that first step behind me I am looking forward to how I can branch out even further. Now that I'm remembering those long lost friend-making skills I think I can really make some good progress in this area of my life. Sometimes I think I forget that I am a social and likeable person and that I needn't put so much pressure on myself that people are going to think I'm some kind of weirdo or something and want nothing to do with me. Now that I type that out it really sounds rather dramatic and I sit here wondering what the heck is wrong with me?!

So I can't say that I'm a full fledged butterfly at this point...but I'm in the pupa stage and the metamorphosis is occuring. Maybe there should be an episode called "The Wonder Pets Save the Relocated Mommy!" I wonder what my theme song would be?

Monday, August 3, 2009

5 Months and 15 Days.....

Well, it's been 5 months and 15 days since my last blog entry - saying that this is just sad is so much a gross understatement that it's really quite funny. After numerous friend requests to begin blogging again I have finally been inspired by three separate people/groups to start up again: my husband, my friends, my oldest child.

First - my husband: For the record, I am married to the best man on the planet. There is nothing to compare to him and all that he is. A few weeks ago while he was mowing the lawn he got a really bad blister on one of his fingers from trying repeatedly to start the trimmer. Emma saw his "owie" and decided that a band-aid would solve the problem immediately. All of life's hurts can be cured with a band-aid according to Emma - we should buy stock for all the boxes of band-aids we go through. We were in the kitchen making dinner and I asked how his blister was healing at which time he said "it's fine, Emma gave me a band-aid", and there on his finger was a purple, Dora the Explorer band-aid. How can you not love a man who would proudly wear the band-aid that his little girl had given him all day at work for everyone to see. I know it's simple and of no huge importance to anyone else - but to me it was just another small but profound example of what an awesome daddy that Robby is.

Second - my friends: Really this should be about my lack of friends - at least in Texas. Two weekends ago I went to Indianapolis for the bachelorette party of my high school best friend. I am fortunate enough to be her Matron of Honor - so I was in charge of hosting the event. To be honest I didn't know quite what to expect of the weekend. I had never met any of her friends in Indy and I was going to be the odd woman out. It has been a very long time since I've been out with a group of girls - especially to a bar. I see now that I needn't have worried one bit! Every one of the girls was absolutely delightful - I had the best time!!! We went to this dueling piano bar called Howl at the Moon - SOOO much fun!!! I was able to see IU where the girls all went to college - what an amazingly beautiful campus. I learned how to play "Sink The Biz". But more than anything I enjoyed some quality girl time and laughed ALOT!

What it really showed me though is that I really need to make a more concerted effort to make friends out here. While I am always more than happy to hang out with my family, having girlfriends that are the same age and in the same place of life is really important. No one can ever replace my best friends (you know who you are :-) ) , but it's an important part of me making Texas my true home for me to have friends that I can hang out with on a regular basis.

Finally - my oldest child (Emma): Last night I was reading a bedtime book to Emma. It was a new book that we had picked up over the weekend. Robby had read it to her the previous night - and last night was my turn. The book was called "Priscilla - Superstar" and it's about a little girl that goes to see a "Rollerina" show (think ballet on roller skates) and then wants to become a Rollerina Princess herself. Well, it was the part in the book where Priscilla is at the Rollerina show; here is the dialogue that follows:

Emma: pointing to a picture of the rollerina princess dancing - "Look Mommy - this is where she pees.!"

Mommy: "PEES??!! What are you talking about??!!" (At this point I'm wondering just what kind of book has been purchased here.)

Emma: "Yep - see she's peeing."

Mommy: "Emma - she's dancing, not peeing."

Emma: "No Mommy, she's peeing, see..."

Mommy: "Emma - where in this situation do you see that she's peeing???"

Emma: (with an exasperated sigh) "Mommy! She's peeing, daddy told me last night, that's the situation."

At this point I read the lines below the picture and sure enough there is a mention of pee. Apparently "peed" is the word that rhymed with the previous line - but it says "Priscilla was so excited that she nearly peed." I then explain to Emma that the dancer is not peeing - it's that Priscilla was so excited that she almost peed - that no one actually peed. This worked for her.

So with that issue all cleared up I'm left to wonder: WHO IN THE HELL PUTS THE WORD "PEED" INTO A CHILDREN'S BOOK??? I mean I can understand if the book is about using the potty - but SERIOUSLY, COME ON!!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Robby Got The Job!!!!

Just an update to my last post.....Robby got the job!!! He is officially the newest Planner II at the North Central Texas Council of Governments. He has a very spiffy office and is so excited about this new position. He'll be out here by next weekend and the girls and I cannot wait to have him home with us permanently!

It had been so rewarding for me to see him achieve this huge goal. Becoming a planner is something that Robby has been working toward ever since I first met him. He put in so many hours of school time, study and personal sacrifice to reach this point and to see all his hard work rewarded has been just awesome.

The Lord has really blessed our family with this opportunity. It is so important for us all to be together as a family again and He has made that possible!

On another positive note.....I have not one but TWO job interviews lined things are definitely looking up. Please pray that the Lord reveal which is the right opportunity for me and that everything works out. Once I get a job we can have a house of our own....something we are very much looking forward to!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Well it's been more than a month since my last post. Here's the update for the past month:

Life in Texas is great. I love living so close to my family. I'm able to see my grandparents at least once a week...which is awesome. The girls continue to adjust better than I could have imagined. Emma started pre-school 2 days a week. She's so excited to go and is loving it. My cousin Chelsea works there and tells me that Emma is a favorite of the kids and teachers alike.

Robby received a callback for an interview. He came out Jan 28-Feb 1 and had is interview on the 29th. So far everything is looking great....they have completed background and reference checks and he had a second phone interview on Wednesday. We're waiting to hear a "yes" (we're not thinking about a "no") any day now. Please keep this intention in your prayers. Roby couldn't be more excited about this job; not only because it would bring him out here with us but also because of the work itself.

I am still jobless and having no luck in this area. I have applied for many many many job but having no success. Please also pray for results here....Robby and I will both need jobs in order to have a place of our own.

Katy is walking like a pro now.....those crawling days are in the past. She continues to be quite the comedian and always doing something funny to make us laugh. She's talking some...or trying to.
Stay tuned for an update on Robby's job

Love to All!